
İşletme Programı
0312 246 66 66 1669

  • Doktora, (2001), Clemson Unıversıty, Endüstri Mühendisliği

  • Yüksek Lisans, (1997), Old Domınıon Unıversıty, İşletme

  • Lisans, (1991), Ankara Üniversitesi, İşletme

  • Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
    1  Exploring the enablers for building resilience in solar photovoltaic Energy supply chains, Operations Management Research, 18(0), 2024

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İskender Peker, Tolga Benli, İlker Murat Ar, Cory Searcy
    2  Examining the Role of Urban-Industrial Symbiosis in the Circular Economy: An Approach Based on N-Force Field Theory of Change and N-ISM-MICMAC, Operations Management Research, 124(0), 2023

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İskender Peker, İlker Murat Ar, Cory Searcy
    3  Improving sustainability in the tourism industry through blockchain technology: Challenges and opportunities, Tourism Management, 93(0), 2023

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Neuhofer, Doğru, Cory Searcy, Ali Cenk Yorulmaz
    4  The Blockchain Usage and Current Trends in the Tourism Sector: A Conceptual Research, Külliye, 4(2), 2023

    Tunç Medeni, Yusuf Esmer, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    5  Leveraging blockchain in response to a pandemic through disaster risk management: an IF-MCDM framework, Operations Management Research, 16(0), 2023

    Iskender Peker, İlker Murat Ar, İsmail Erol, Cory Searcy, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    6  Selecting the Most Suitable Blockchain Platform: A Case Study on the Healthcare Industry using a Novel Rough MCDM Framework, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 186(0), 2023

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Ahmet Oztel, Cory Searcy
    7  Acil Durum Eylem Planları Farkındalığında Eğitimin Etkisi: İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Alanı Üzerinde Bir Uygulama, SIYASAL-Journal of Political Sciences, 77(0), 2022

    Azize Sudan, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    8  Alleviating the Impact of the Barriers to Circular Economy Adoption Through Blockchain: An Investigation Using an Integrated MCDM-based QFD With Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Sets, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 165(0), 2022

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İlker Murat Ar, İskender Peker, Cory Searcy
    9  Closing the Loop in Photovoltaic Solar and Wind Power Supply Chains: An investigation in Turkey through Neutrosphopic-DELPHI-based Force Field Analysis and Neutrosphopic-DEMATEL, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52(0), 2022

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İskender Peker, Öğr.Gör. İsmet Turan, Tolga Benli
    10  Scrutinizing blockchain applicability in sustainable supply chains through an integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision making framework, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, 116(0), 2022

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Prof. Dr. İlker Murat Ar, Prof. Dr. İskender Peker
    11  Towards a circular economy: Investigating the critical success factors for a blockchain-based solar photovoltaic energy ecosystem in Turkey, Energy for Sustainable Development, 65(0), 2021

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İskender Peker, İlker Murat Ar, Cory Searcy, İsmet Turan
    12  Assessing the feasibility of blockchain technology in industries: evidence from Turkey, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 34(0), 2021

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İlker Murat Ar, İskender Peker, Ali Asgary, Tunç Medeni
    13  The role of blockchain in reducing the impact of barriers to humanitarian supply chain management, International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(0), 2021

    Ali İhsan Özdemir, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İlker Murat Ar, İskender Peker, Ali Asgary, Tunç Medeni
    14  Evaluating the feasibility of blockchain in logistics operations: A decision framework, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 158(0), 2021

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    15  An Investigation Into Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices In A Developıng Country, International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 11(2), 2019

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Meltem Velioğlu

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    17  Locating recycling facilities for IT based electronic waste in Turkey, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 105(0), 2015

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Necati Aras, Aybek Korugan, Funda Şerifoğlu, İsmail Erol, Gülçin B. Fevzioğlu, Meltem Velioğlu
    18  Fuzzy MCDM framework for locating a nuclear power plant in Turkey, ENERGY POLICY, 67(0), 2014

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Safiye Sencer, Safiye Sencer, Cory Searcy, Aslı Özmen
    19  A new fuzzy multi criteria framework for measuring sustainability performance of a supply chain, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, 70(0), 2011

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Safiye Turgay, Aslı Özmen, Ramazan Sarı
    20  Exploring reverse supply chain management practices in Turkey, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 15(0), 2010

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    21  Sustainability in the Turkish retailing industry, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 17(0), 2009

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Nigar Çakar, Derya Erel, Ramazan Sari
    22  Integrated approach for reorganizing purchasing Theory and a case analysis on a Turkish company, Computers and Industrial Engeineering, 56(4), 2009

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Wiliiam J. Ferrell
    23   Supply Chain Network Design and a Case Study, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 267(0), 2008

    Ahmet Serhat Uludağ, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    24   Measuring Environmental Sustainability Performance: Application In Retailing Industry, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 266(0), 2008

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Aslı Özmen
    25   Reverse Supply Chain Management in the Context of EU Harmonization Laws and Sustainable Development: Research Opportunities and Propositions for Turkey, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 244(0), 2006

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Funda Şerifoğlu, Meltem Velioğlu
    26   A Proposed Decision Support Tool To Enable Coordination Between Marketing And Manufacturing Strategies And Activity Plans And A Case Analysis, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 232(0), 2005

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    27   A New Approach For Designing And Teaching Courses In Operations Management/ Quantitative Methods Disciplines And A Case Analysis, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 235(0), 2005

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    28   Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Tam Zamanında Üretim Yaklaşımlarının Satınalma İşlevi ile İlişkilendirilmesi, Bütünsel Bir Yaklaşım Önerisi ve Örnek Olay Analizi, Endüstri Mühensiliği, 15(0), 2004

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    29   Organizasyonların Yeniden Yapılanmaları Sürecinde Eğitim ve Geliştirme Programları ve Uygulama Örnekleri, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 59(0), 2004

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    30   Order Fulfillment: The Hidden Key to E-Commerce Success, Kara Harp Okulu Bilim Dergisi, 13(0), 2003

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    31   Developing Knowledge-based Decision Support Tool for ERP Software Selection, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 58(0), 2003

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Mehmet Barut
    32  A methodology to support decision making across the supply chain of an industrial distributor, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 89(2), 2003

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, William J. Ferrell
    33  A methodology for selection problems with multiple conflicting objectives and both qualitative and quantitative criteria, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 86(3), 2003

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, William J. Ferrell
    34   IIntegrating Strategic Manufacturing Action Plans with Business Strategy Attributes using Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment and Multi Objective Programming, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(0), 2002

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    1  Industry 4.0 in Higher Education: Core Elements and Future Research Directions, 12th International NCMConferencesNew Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management12th International NCMConferencesNew Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management12th International NCMConferencesNew Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 11.10.2018

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İlker Murat Ar, İskender Peker
    2  Blockchain Based Supply Chain Systems: A Review and Future Research Directions, 12th International NCMConferencesNew Challenges in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 11.10.2018

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İlker Murat Ar, İskender Peker
    3  Agent Based Sustainability Performance Measurement System, Conference: 6 th International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, ?Features, Strategies and Innovation, 14.10.2008

    Safiye Turgay, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol

    Kitap Bölümü Bilgileri

    1  Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy: An Investigation on the Enablers of Blockchain-based Solar and Wind Energy Supply Chains, In:Renewable Energy in Circular Economy, 219-237, 2023

    Iskender Peker, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, İlker Murat Ar
    2  Exploring Blockchain in Food and Agricultural Supply Chains, In:Blockchain for Tourism and Hospitality Industries, 1-174, 2023

    Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol, Tolga Benli, Tunç Medeni, Muhiba Ahmad
    3  Multi-Agent Enterprise Sustainability Performance Measurement System, In:Agent Based Computing, 51-87, 2009

    Safiye Turgay, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    1 Sosyal Yardım Süreçlerinde Blokzincir Temelli Ulusal Bağış Yönetim Sistemi Tasarımı (223K269), Ar-Ge, Araştırmacı, 30.09.2023

    Prof. Dr. İskender Peker, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    2 Exploring Turkish Grocery Retailing Industry in the context of Sustainability: Problems and Solution Alternatives, Ar-Ge, Yürütücü, 04.10.2010

    Ramazan Sarı, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    3 Reverse Supply Chain Management in Turkey: Exploring Automotive, Electronics, Furniture and White Goods Industry, Ar-Ge, Araştırmacı, 08.09.2008

    Funda Şerifoğlu, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol
    4 Design of Advanced Logistics System at BMW Plant, Danışmanlık, Araştırmacı, 03.09.2001

    William J. Ferrell, Prof. Dr. İsmail Erol